Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Sunday Adult Discipleship Groups at 9am

Beginning September 16
9:00 – 10:10 a.m.

Wild At Heart
Attention, Men! As a follower of Jesus are you up to life’s battles? God made you a man on purpose for a purpose. Don’t miss this Bible-based teaching and discussion just for men from Why Men Hate Going To Church by David Murrow and Wild At Heart by John Eldredge!
Led by Lenny Luscher & Frank Wells, Room 117

Women Who Win Through Prayer and Perseverance
Remember the story of the persistent widow in the Bible who would not give up but knocked far into the night saying, “I want back what the enemy has stolen from me?” (Luke 18:3) As a woman, what has the enemy stolen from you and your family? God is in the business of restoration! It’s time to pray and to take back the kingdom! The Bible says the kingdom shall be taken by “force.” (Matthew 11:12) That “force” is persevering prayer that doesn’t quit! Join us as we ask Jesus to teach us how to pray… for our families, our nation, and our world!
Led by Patsy Lennon & Carol Wallin, Room 118/121

Hope for the Perfectionist
Do you live with a perfectionist – maybe even yourself? Do you feel like you're in a trap? There is hope! Be released from the trap of perfectionism! Dr. David Stoops, a clinical psychologist from Minirth-Meir Clinic, says perfectionism appears to be a positive virtue, only to find that people have pain and frustration related to perfectionism. This 13-week discussion group will take a Biblical look at such topics as what is a balanced life, why trying harder doesn’t work, how to overcome compulsive behaviors, how perfectionism is a prison, the battlefield of the mind, what the Lord says about perfectionism, and how through scripture one can find the foundation for healing. Come learn practical ways of overcoming perfectionism!
Led by Joe Pasquarell, Room 115

A Study of James: Wisdom for Practical Christian Living
James is considered to be the book of Wisdom Literature in the New Testament. Written by James, the brother of Jesus and head of the first Christian church in Jerusalem, the book of James stresses practical Christian living with its central focus on the high sense of devoted service for others as the outcome and proof of our faith. Bring your knowledge, research, and inquisitive nature and join us for this lively discussion group as we see that the book of James is still valid for our lives today. Led by Jim Waller, Room 9

The Truth Project
Do you realize we are engaged in a cosmic battle – a battle that is raging for the hearts and minds of people the world over, pitting the truth claims of God against the lies of the world, the flesh and the devil? It is a battle over what we truly believe. The Truth Project developed by Dr. Del Tackett and Focus on the Family is designed to build a comprehensive Biblical framework for all of life. This series received rave reviews on Wednesday nights this summer, and now we want to make it available to more of you on Sunday mornings. Our desire is that we will be truly transformed and equipped to resist conforming to the world. This 13-week DVD series will challenge new believers, seasoned saints, and the un-churched. It is a must for college students and young adults! Bring your neighbors and friends. You’ll be amazed!
Led by John Gonzalez, Fellowship Hall

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