I've been working with the Session on a monthly basis and Jim Sabin on a weekly basis to set achievable goals for our Small Groups and other Community ministries.
August and September goals included the following:
1. To gather the small group leaders for a quarterly fellowship and training. On Sept 2, thirty group leaders met together in round-table fashion to discuss issues specific to their groups in the coming year. Some leaders afterward said they enjoyed talking with other group leaders about common issues. Their next gathering is planned for early January.
2. To publish a comprehensive "Groups and Classes" booklet that lists all the existing small groups and classes at Myrtle Grove. On several Sundays in August and September, we distributed copies of a 14-16 page booklet listing 56 groups and classes for youth through adults as well as general info for children: 5 Youth Small Groups, 2 Young Adult Groups, 21 General Home Groups, 8 Adult Discipleship Classes, 2 Support Groups, 1 Men’s Group, 6 Women’s Groups, 6 Athletic/FLC Groups, and 5 Prayer Groups. Thanks to Vicki McMahon and Kathy Walden for their work on this project. More copies are available and are updated as changes occur.
3. To establish a Web presence for our groups and classes. To date, all the groups and classes are listed at http://www.myrtlegrove.org/ and clicking on the link Available Groups. However, not all information about every group is yet complete. Group leaders can make changes to their meeting times and location and can add members to their group as well as remove them if necessary. Individual church members can also sign in and change their personal information (in case of a move, etc) by clicking on Member Sign-In and following the instructions. Thanks to Josh Woodall for his work on this project.
4. To publish a study guide for small groups based on the book, Prayer Evangelism, by Ed Silvoso to help us grow in our ablility to share the gospel in practical ways with people in our own city. Thirteen of our groups are using this study guide this fall. Thanks to Joe Pasquarell, Jim Sabin and Kathy Walden for their work on this project.
5. To hold a New Member Class for those who wish to inquire into membership at MGPC. A dozen people attended this class led by the Sabins, Pasquarells and during September. Their names will be published asap.
6. To establish new small groups for Young Adults and Young Marrieds. Two groups for Young Adults began in September thanks to Sam Ivey, Jud Smith, Hall and Melinda Powell, Damian and Jessica Russo, Rachel Glasgow and Rebecca Brittingham. A Young Marrieds group began in early October thanks to Sam and Tiffany Ivey and Damian and Jessica Russo.
7. To re-start the Men's breakfast and to add new components to the men's ministry including Activities (adventure events), Men's Small Groups and Service Projects. The breakfast/bible study kicked off in early September with Rich Truax teaching through First Corinthians, several of the men lead mentoring or small groups and several service projects have taken or are taking place so far. Jerry Cannon is the men's coordinator.
October goals include:
1. To recruit and train new small group leaders
- Develop a booklet with information about leading a group for them to read before filling out an application
- Develop an application form for potential group leaders
- Develop a training meeting for new group leaders
- Set date for first training
2. To develop a method to start new groups
- Develop an event for members (e.g., Group Link) to familiarize them with groups and to connect them with a group leader
- Develop an eight week “trial group” format
- Set a date for the first event by Nov 30
3. To recruit, train and deploy new small groups "coaches"
- Write a job description for coaches
- Make a list of potential coaches
- Develop a training meeting for coaches
- Develop an ongoing coaches meeting plan
- Recruit one coach for every five groups in the church
4. To develop a small groups leadership team with specific functions
- Make a list of specific functions
- Write job descriptions of each function
- Recruit individuals to each position
- Set date for first and subsequent meetings of team
5. To help small group leaders add members to their groups on the Website. This will help us know how many of our members are involved in groups and where we need to develop new groups.
6. To promote participation in Church-wide Service Projects
- Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministries (WARM) Oct 18, meet at the house site--3805 Worthdale dr at 9:00. Directions--take hwy 132 north past Laney High school--continue to Glen Eden --turn right on Glen Eden this becomes Worthdale. The house is wood (brown).
Tools you will need will be yard rakes, lopper shears, pruning shears, crow bars,, hammers and of course gloves. MGPC coordinators Gerald Hooks and Don Clayton. - Angel Food Ministries Oct 25 in the morning. Distribute prepackaged food at Life Community Church on Oleander Dr. Coordinator Lenny Luscher.
7. To "take the next step" in Women's Ministry by building on the foundations already established. A number of Women are meeting for prayer and discussion. Contact June Kort or Pasty Worrell if you would like to help.
If you would like to help in any of these ministry areas, contact the coordinators listed or Pastor Dan at dan@myrtlegrove.org.