Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Community Group Leaders Photos

Group Leaders meet to make plans for the summer and fall. Our motto is "We're Better Together."

From left and behind: Clara Allen, Jim Kachur, Oscar Palmer, Doug Carlson, somebody's elbow...

Betty Sabin, Lee Cimino and Charlene Moretz...

Jim Sabin, Phil Stump and Steve Kohl.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Summer Schedule Begins June 3

The new summer schedule begins June 3 with one service at 10am each Sunday. On June 3 we'll gather after the service for a picnic behind the Family Life Center (FLC). This will be followed by activities for all ages including an inter-generational Olympics in which everyone can participate. Pastor Jim and others will be in the dunking booth, and there will be a hayride and other events.

The purpose of this and other summer events is to enjoy being with one another, to renew old friendships, make new acquaintances and build new friendships during our time together. As we get to know others better, we hope that you'll want to enter into deeper, more lasting relationships through participating in small groups and various ministries together in the fall and beyond.

Look forward also to the Pancake Breakfast/Brunch on Fathers' Day, the Square Dance and cookout on July 15, the Pool Party and meal on August 12, and Service Saturdays on July 21 and August 18 when we'll tackle needed projects at the church and in the community.

On the education side, we'll be hosting The Truth Project, a 12 week video series developed by Dr. James Dobson and Focus on the Family staff, to help us develop a more Christ-centered world-view with which to understand the times in which we're living. Frank Wells will facilitate this series on Wednesday nights beginning June 6.

Small Group Leaders Meeting Coming Up

On May 23, the current small group leaders and potential new leaders will meet with Pastors Jim and Dan and Charlene Moretz for prayer, discussion and training. More information will be forthcoming.

New Members Class Leaders

Jim and Betty Sabin are veteran leaders of our new members' class. They have been leading this ministry for a number of years and love what they do. They recently guided twenty-eight people through the paces of becoming members of Myrtle Grove. The following were welcomed by the congregation this past Sunday.
The elders gathered with the whole group for a meal a couple weeks ago to hear their testimonies. What an encouragment to hear how the Lord is working in each of their lives. We welcome our new members and look forward to getting to know you better, learning to love you and serving the Lord with you.

Greeters Ministry

I met today with Joan Mebane, (center, with husband Carter, left) coordinator of the Greeters Ministry. Over seventy people of every age group and gender participate in this ministry to welcome those entering the building on Sundays for worship. They are stationed at each of the side doors and a separate group welcomes first time vistors at the visitors' table in the narthex or vestibule. Their greatest need is information in advance of upcoming changes so that they can inform those gathering for worship regarding those changes. Thanks to all those who serve in this ministry. We appreciate your ready smile, warm welcome and desire to guide those unfamiliar with our facilities. God bless and keep up the good work.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Men's Breakfast Photos

Recent photos from the Men's Breakfast which meets Tuesdays 630-730am in the Fellowship Hall.